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House/Office Cleaning


We are thorough, detail oriented perfectionists! We clean practically every accessible surface. We pick up and straighten, and clean even the smallest of details such as light switches, door knobs, and even your phones. We vacuum your rugs. Dust window sills, blinds, ceiling fans, wall hangings and furniture. Clean mirrors. We will even empty your trash.

Kitchens & Bathrooms


Clean and sanitize kitchen tables, counter tops, sinks, appliance exteriors, range tops and inside microwaves. We safely clean cabinet doors and baseboards. Sanitize toilets, sinks/counters, and tubs/showers. Wash and sanitize floors.



Make beds and change linens. Vacuum rugs (including under the beds). We will also clean ceiling fans, dust furniture and wall hangings. Clean mirrors.

Move In/Out Cleaning or Open House Cleaning


Moving can be overwhelming and time consuming. Let us help you. We will clean your new place before you move in, or let us clean out your prior place after you leave.


Having an Open House? Let us make your place shine before you open your doors to prospective buyers.

Pet Care Services


Our Certified Veterinary Technician will Administer Medication, Take your Dog(s) for a walk on a schedule you would like, and we also offer Pet Sitting for those Weekends Away, Vacations or Holidays.


All pets are unique and have different needs, so please contact us for more specific information.

After Party Cleaning


Get to Relax and Enjoy your Events! Let us clean up before or after. Kitchen and Bathroom Cleaning, Trash Removal, Cleaning Dishes...Let us Do It for You!

Additional Services 

(Per Request, Additional Fees Apply)

Laundry Services


We offer In Home Wash/Dry/Fold Services while we work. Or let us Pick Up or Drop Off your Dry Cleaning for you!


*We do not iron, but let us neatly hang your clothes on the hangers you provide. 



Inside the Refrigerator


The Refrigerator is the hardest working appliance in the home. It is subject to spills, odors, and overcrowding. A clean Fridge promises to keep your food let us clean it with our All Natural Cleaning Methods. Let's face it, we store our food in here...who wants harmful chemicals in there?


We will dispose of expired items, remove all racks, drawers, and compartments to deep clean them, as well as the fridge walls. We will clean the outside as well, including handles and water/ice dispensers.


We also offer all natural methods for odor absorption in the fridge, and ways to keep your fridge smelling great. 

Inside the Oven


Cleaning the Oven stinks...literally. Most of the products used to clean ovens contain highly toxic chemicals that can not only burn the skin, but also emit toxic fumes promoting respiratory system damage. They can also leave a toxic residue in the oven that intensifies as it heats up and can literally bake into your food! Since this is where we cook for our families, let's avoid the hazardous chemicals here!


Let us clean your oven with only non-toxic products



Hand Wash Dishes


Didn't have time to get to those dishes last night? Not to worry!


Per Request we will handwash those dishes in the sink. Dry. And put away if you would like.



Organization of Specific Areas


From that closet in the back hallway that you just haven't had the time to get to, to your kitchen cabinets. All you need to do is let us know, and it will be taken care of.

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